The Power of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and always a great time to be thankful for the things you have. It’s also an opportunity for children to learn gratefulness and develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’.


The Power of Gratitude

Research has shown that gratitude is a big factor in levels of happiness, and also contributes to long-term benefits such as:

  1. Better relationships
  2. Physical health
  3. Psychological health
  4. Reduced aggression and more empathy
  5. Better sleep
  6. Higher self esteem
  7. Mental Strength and resilience

Having an attitude of gratitude is a great skill for children to develop, and one they will benefit from for a lifetime.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” 
― Maya Angelou

  We absolutely love and cannot say enough wonderful things about The Merit School of Old Town Manassas

--Amanda F., parent at Merit School of Old Town


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