How to Regulate TV Watching for your Children

Watching TV is a part of our daily routine for the majority of America. It can relax us, keeps us informed about what’s happening in the world, and is a good distraction for the kiddos when Mom needs 5 minutes to go take a shower and take a deep breath.

TV can also open up to new worlds that can refresh us from our daily lives. However, when it comes to our children, is TV watching healthy? Though there are several benefits to watching TV, there are also certain drawbacks that should be avoided – or at least taken into consideration. To help you make sure that your child can get the best out of TV watching, here are a few tips below:

  • Turn off the TV when no one is watching. This will send a message to your children about the functionality of the TV, and not just something you can turn on and leave for background noise all the time.
  • Watch TV with your child. Not only will it create a bonding moment for both of you, you will also know what your child is watching. That way, you can evaluate whether the show is indeed appropriate or not, and if not – explain why.
  • Be in the control of the channel. You have the discreSharing Parenting Duties Successfullytion to change the channel and not allow anyone to change the channel. This way, your child will know who is in authority and will follow your rules in TV watching.
  • Create rules when to watch TV. Always be clear on these rules as these can affect how your child will react and seek the TV. Set rules like no watching TV during meals or when you are not around.
  • Avoid using TV as a reward. This will only increase the value of TV on your children and thus think of the box as something rewarding.
  • If at all possible, don’t over use the TV as a distraction or a babysitter. That box is not an alternative solution for babies who often cry. Do not make it a habit to turn on the TV just because your child needs to be entertained. Find other alternatives like reading books or playing with their toys.
  • Do not add a TV in their bedroom. This will only increase their desire to test your other rules you have put into place, and distract them from things like reading, and homework.

6 Benefits of Summer Camp

Summer Camp

If you can recall being a camper or remember working as a camp counselor, then you know the benefits of day camp. But if you never had a camp experience, you may not realize how important camp can be for children. You may consider a few of the following reasons to send your children to camp.


Here are Six Benefits to Summer Day Camp


  1. Campers spend the day being active. Let’s get moving! Children run, jump, swim, and so much more! Camp is the perfect place to learn active games that children can teach their families at home. Campers learn the value of spending more time active and outside and less time in front of electronic screens.


  1. Campers learn social and leadership skills and increase their self-confidence and ability to work with others.  Through leadership and team building events, such as scavenger hunts or solving mysteries, Campers focus on purposeful activities and grow and mature through the process.


  1. Campers have free time for unstructured play. Being a part of a camp can ease the daily dose of routine children receive during the rest of the year. It’s less structured than school and competitive sports leagues but just enough to motivate campers to try new things.


  1. Campers make friends. Camp is a low-pressure atmosphere where friendships are formed. Camps that stress“Getting to Know You” and “Friendship Building” activities help children develop bonds.  In doing so, they focus on both themselves and their relationships with friends and family.


  1. Campers develop life-long skills. The variety of activities provided allows campers to discover and develop what they like to do. When Campers receive instruction and equipment for various projects, it’s up to them to decide which skills they are interested in learning. Camps that sponsor food-drives, bake sales, and service projects, instill a commitment to giving back to the community and teach campers to think beyond themselves.


  1. Happy Campers, make for Happy Families. Parents of Campers get the pleasure knowing that each day their child is engaged, active, making friends, and learning new skills and hobbies. Camps that fill the summer with such family events as talent shows, camp tournaments, trivia nights, movies, and Club Showcases help provide families with memories to last a lifetime.

The Power of Reading – Infants

Reading to your child every day is the best single way to ensure that he or she develops a lifelong love for reading. The key is to introduce your child to books that are developmentally appropriate and to share your love of reading through daily reading together. This creates a lasting bond and a time you will both cherish.

The love of books can begin in the first year of life. Babies love to sit on the lap of someone they love and look together with them at pictures in a book. At first, they are simply content to hear the sound of their loved one’s voice telling them about what they see. The baby responds with smiles, gaze at the adult, and then a reach for the book.

The Power of Reading: InfantsThe best books for babies are made of cloth or vinyl and include large realistic photographs of familiar objects, animals, or people. As babies get old enough to imitate their favorite adult, they will attempt to turn the pages, sometimes forward and sometimes back. This is okay. The baby is learning how books work. The adult should point at pictures and name them. The baby will eventually point too, make a sound that may or may not resemble the name for the picture, and then look at the adult for reassurance. This back and forth interaction about the content of the book is the beginning of understanding that the picture symbols on the page can stand for objects in real life.

Choosing the Best Childcare for your Child

Child care is not something you carelessly pick out and move on. Leaving your child in the care of others is a major act and needs your utmost attention, so you can be assured they are in good hands. Before choosing a child care option, it is important to take note of their services and leave room for evaluation.

Arlington Preschool - Merit School of Arlington

To help you choose the best childcare for you and your child, here are some helpful tips:

  • Lay out your wants and your child’s needs – Establish your expectations for what you want childcare to provide. This will let you know where to start in your evaluation. Do you want them to teach your child or simply babysit? Are you planning to leave your child for extended periods of time on a regular basis, or do you only need assistance with childcare occasionally? Knowing these expectations will help you sort through your options better.
  • Trust your intuition – If you have a gut feeling that a certain child care provider is not a good idea, then move on. Oftentimes, you have that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach, there is a reason. Trusting your instincts will help you choose a child care provider that you will feel comfortable with, and that is essential. Even if you’re looking at someone with the best reputation in town, if it doesn’t feel right, look at other options.
  • Experience it yourself – Don’t just rely on their sales pitch, marketing materials, or even third-party reviews. You won’t know the true experience your child will have until you see what the environment is like for yourself. Observe a class or ask if you can check the facilities and see firsthand where your children will be.
  • Mind your child’s feeling – Ultimately, your child is the one who will be with the child care provider, so listen to what they think and feel about the option you are considering. If they are old enough to provide feedback and opinions, let your child feel involved. It will make them feel more comfortable with the situation.
  • Seek recommendations – If you have friends who already use child care, ask for their recommendations. Their experience can be a testimony of how trustworthy childcare is. Always do additional research before making a decision, however.
  • Ask everything you need to know – Seek all the information you can about each childcare provider to help you decide which is the best for you and your child. Ask questions and clarify any thoughts or concerns that may bother you about their system.